Home Remedies For Cough 2022

john smith
5 min readMay 26, 2022


There are many ways to cure a cough. Some of these are:

- Drink lots of fluids (warm water, tea, soup)

- Gently clear your throat with a sip of water and then swallow

  • Take a hot shower or bath to help you relax and reduce congestion in the chest area
  • Get plenty of sleep for rest and recovery

The Home Doctor Practical Medicine for Every Household

Cough is not an easy disease to get rid of. It can last for weeks, months or even years in some cases. So, what can you do to make your life easier?

Home remedies for cough are a popular way to go about dry cough treatment at home. Some of the ingredients you can use are honey, lemon, garlic and ginger.

This article will present the best five home remedies for a dry cough and the preparations that you need to do.

#1: Onion and honey

- Slice an onion into thin rounds and set them aside.

- In a saucepan, boil water with honey until it is reduced to half a cup.

- Add the onion slices in the saucepan and cook it on low heat for 20 minutes.

- Take 1 teaspoon of this mixture to stop coughing as needed.

This section will introduce the common, yet questionable and unconventional, remedies for a dry cough.

The first remedy to be discussed is a honey and lemon concoction. Honey is a natural expectorant which will stimulate the coughing in order to clear out any phlegm that got stuck in your throat or chest. Lemon on the other hand has an antiseptic effect which can help fight infection.

The next remedy is to use some spicy foods. Spicy food has been known to stimulate one’s appetite but it has also been shown that these foods are effective against coughs as they are rich in antioxidants and other compounds that have antibacterial properties.

Another home remedy is using steam inhalation therapy as this method can provide relief by opening up your airways and lungs, obviously because

The Home Doctor Practical Medicine for Every Household

Coughing is a reflex that helps to clear the airways and prevent too much mucus from accumulating in the lungs.

Not all coughs are caused by illness, but when an infection or allergy triggers coughing, there are some natural remedies that can help relieve your symptoms.

In this article, you will find out what home remedies can do for a cough.

Home remedies for cough can be helpful for people with cold or flu who have a dry cough. These remedies are safe and inexpensive, but doctors don’t recommend them for children under 2 years old.

A dry cough is often a symptom of the common cold or flu. A dry cough can last from one to three weeks, and it is most annoying at night.

The symptoms vary from person to person, but there are some remedies that should work for most cases of a dry cough.

If you want to stop coughing, try these home remedies:

The Home Doctor Practical Medicine for Every Household

Cough is a common problem for everyone. It can last for a few hours or even days. There are many different potential causes for cough. Cough is used by your body as a mechanism to clear irritants from the upper respiratory tract that are causing the irritation, or to help keep the airways moist.

To find relief from coughing, people often turn to home remedies such as honey, garlic cloves, ginger root tea, and spicy foods such as chili peppers or mustard greens. One of the most popular remedies is honey because it can soothe sore throats and ease breathing difficulties caused by coughing. Garlic has been found to help fight infections in general and specifically fight viruses that cause colds and sore throat like bronchitis. Ginger root is another home remedy that helps with respiratory problems like cough

Many people are also looking for home remedies for a dry cough at night. This is probably because the home remedies for cough are usually natural and less potent than the ones found in stores. These include drinking plenty of fluids, using a humidifier, and using cold packs on your throat.

This can be very helpful in reducing coughing and itchy throat. You should try to avoid alcohol and caffeinated drinks when you have a dry cough, as they may irritate your symptoms further. Honey can also work wonders! It has antibacterial properties that can soothe your throat, prevent coughing and even improve your sleep quality.

Cough is a common symptom that affects different people in different ways. There are many home remedies for cough. From herbal teas to honey with lemon, there are plenty of options to choose from.

Many people would like to avoid taking over the counter drugs and turn to home remedies instead. A dry cough can be a nuisance and is often hard to treat at first. As you’ll find out below, there are some simple remedies that can help you get relief from your dry cough.

There are many popular home remedies for cough which include herbal teas, honey with lemon and coffee with cinnamon or ginger root. The list of effective home remedies goes on and on but we’re going to share the most popular ones that have been found effective by the public in this article below!

The Home Doctor Practical Medicine for Every Household

Thank you

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john smith

My mother’s family were farmers in North Dallas. I spent my early life In a rural environment. We were in close proximity to one of the black communities in Dal